Quantum Computing and Changes in Programming Landscape

Miftahul Tirta Irawan
5 min readNov 3, 2023


Photo by Dynamic Wang on Unsplash

In the realm of technology, quantum computing has emerged as a revolutionary concept that promises to redefine our understanding of computation. I’ll explore the most intriquing question that wraps around this topic, “Will Quantum Computing Change the Way Programming’s Done?”. Well, the answer isn’t as easy as we thought. Quantum computing, with its ability to perform complex calculations at unprecedented speeds, holds the potential to transform various fields, from cybersecurity and bio-engineering to AI and finance.

But what does this mean for programming as we know it?

Will our current programming languages suffice, or will we need new languages tailored for the quantum era?

I’ll delve into these questions, offering insights into the exciting intersection of quantum computing and traditional computing.

First of all, we need to understand how quantum computing works. This domain is a rapidly evolving field that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to process information. Unlike classical computers that use binary or bits (0s and 1s) for processing, quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits. A qubit can exist in both states simultaneously, thanks to a property known as superposition or eiqgenstates. This allows quantum computers to process a vast number of possibilities all at once.

Photo from Introduction to Quantum Computing

Mathematically, we can superimpose or add any two or more quantum states resulting in another valid quantum state. Conversely, we can represent a quantum state as a sum of two or more distinct states. It refers to the property of solutions to Schrödinger’s equation.

The real power of quantum computing lies in a phenomenon called entanglement. When qubits become entangled, the state of one qubit becomes tied to the state of another. No matter how far apart they are, changing the state of one qubit instantly changes the state of the other. This interconnectedness allows quantum computers to solve complex problems that are currently beyond the reach of classical computers.

Photo from Introduction to Quantum Computing

Even though, it sounds cool, harnessing th epower of quantum mechanics for computing is no small feat. Quantum states are extremely delicate, and any interference from outside environment can cause the quantum state to collapse, leading to errors in calculations. This is one of the many challenges that researchers are working to overcome in the field of quantum computing.

Quantum computing has made significant strides in recent years. Researchers and tech giants worldwide are investing heavily in quantum computing research, leading to rapid advancements in this field.

One of the most notable milestones in quantum computing is the achievement of quantum supremacy or quantum advantage. This is the point at which a quantum computer can solve a problem faster than a classical computer. In 2019, Google’s quantum computer, Sycamore, claimed to have reached quantum supremacy by performing a specific task in 200 seconds that would take the world’s fastest supercomputer, IBM’s Summit, 10,000 years to solve it. Even though IBM disputed Google’s claim, saying its supercomputer could solve the calculation in 2.5 days, that’s still 1,000 times slower than Google’s quantum machine.

Based on this achievement, the advent of quantum computing has sparked a debate, “Will it replace classical computing?”

Well, classical computers, which have been around for more than half a century, are incredibly efficient at performing a wide range of tasks. From simple arithmetic to running complex simulations, classical computers have proven their versatility. They’re also robust and reliable, with well-established programming languages and development tools.

Despite it’s advancements, quantum computing is still in its infancy. Maintaining quantum states for extended periods, known as quantum coherence, is a significant challenge. As I said before, quantum systems are highly sensitive to their environments, and even tiny disturbances can cause the quantum state to collapse, leading to computational errors.

Photo from What is the Difference Between Quantum Coherence and Decoherence

Quantum computers aren’t intended to replace classical computers. Instead, they’re expected to complement classical computers by solving problems that are currently intractable for classical machines. Maybe they will become a separate chip like CPU and GPU that serve different purposes. Because of this, programming language that already existed in classical computers will not be replaced. This has led to the development of new programming languages specifically designed for quantum computing.

Photo from Quantum World Association

Quantum programming languages, such as Q#, Quipper, and Qiskit, allow programmers to create quantum algorithm that can run on quantum computers. These languages incorporate quantum constructs, enabling the manipulation of qubits and implementation of quantum gates.

However, quantum programming comes with its own set of challenges. Quantum algorithms are probabilistic rather than eterministic, meaning they prouce a range of potential outcomes. Moreover, debugging quantum programs is particularly tricky due to the peculiarities of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement.

As we venture further into the quantum realm, the role of programming is set to change dramatically. Programmers will need to adapt to new ways of thinking, and new tools will ned to be developed to aid in the design, testing, and debugging of quantum programs. This will represents a new frontier for programmers. As researchers continue to advance quantum computing technology, it’s clear that quantum programming will play a crucial role in unlocking the full potential of quantum computers.



Miftahul Tirta Irawan

An Engineer that loves to talk about philosophy and technology.